Replacing Disconnect Handling
In some cases, an application does not want the AMPS Client
to reconnect, but instead wants to take a different action if disconnection occurs. For example, a stateless publisher that sends ephemeral data (such as telemetry or prices) may want to exit with an error if the connection is lost rather than risk falling behind and providing outdated messages. Often, in this case, a monitoring process will start another publisher if a publisher fails, and it is better for a message to be lost than to arrive late.
To cover cases where the application has unusual needs, the AMPS client library allows an application to provide custom disconnect handling.
Your application gets to specify exactly what happens when a disconnect occurs by supplying a function to client.setDisconnectHandler()
, which is invoked whenever a disconnect occurs. This may be helpful for situations where a particular connection needs to do something completely different than reconnecting or failing over to another AMPS server.
Setting the disconnect handler completely replaces the disconnection failover behavior for a Client
The example below shows the basics:
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