Unhandled Exceptions

When using the asynchronous interface, exceptions can occur that are not thrown to the user. For example, when an exception occurs in the process of reading subscription data from the AMPS server, the exception occurs on a thread inside of the AMPS Python client. Consider the following example using the asynchronous interface:

class MyApp:
    def on_message_handler(self,message):

    def wait_to_be_poked(self,client):
            "/Pokee LIKE '%s'" % getpass.getuser(),
        input("Press enter to exit")

In this example, we set up a subscription to wait for messages on the pokes topic, whose Pokee tag begins with our user name. When messages arrive, we print a message out to the console, but otherwise our application waits for a key to be pressed.

Inside of the AMPS client, the client creates a new thread of execution that reads data from the server, and invokes message handlers and disconnect handlers when those events occur. When exceptions occur inside this thread, however, there is no caller for them to be thrown to and by default they are ignored.

In applications that use the asynchronous interface, and where it is important to deal with every issue that occurs in using AMPS, you can set an ExceptionHandler via Client.set_exception_listener() that receives these otherwise unhandled exceptions. Making the modifications shown in the example below, to our previous example, will allow those exceptions to be caught and handled. In this case we are simply printing those caught exceptions out to the console.

In some cases, the AMPS Python client may wrap exceptions of unknown type into an AMPSException. Your application should always include an except block for AMPSException.

If your application will attempt to recover from an exception thrown on the background processing thread, your application should set a flag and attempt recovery on a different thread than the thread that called the exception listener.

At the point that the AMPS client calls the exception listener, it has handled the exception. Your exception listener must not rethrow the exception (or wrap the exception and throw a different exception type).

class MyApp:
    def on_exception(self, e):
        print ("Exception occurred: %s" % str(e))

    def on_message_handler(self,message):
        print (message.get_data())

    def wait_to_be_poked(self, client):

        # Use the advanced interface to be able to
        # accept input while processing messages.

            "/Pokee LIKE '%s'" % getpass.getuser(),
        input("Press enter to exit")

In this example we have added a call to client.set_exception_listener(), registering a simple function that writes the text of the exception out to the console. If exceptions are thrown in the message handler, those exceptions are written to the console.

AMPS records the stack trace and provides it to the exception handler, if the provided method includes a parameter for the stack trace. The sample below demonstrates one way to do this. (For sample purposes, the message handler always throws an exception.)

import AMPS
import time
import traceback

def handler(message):
    print (message)
    raise RuntimeError("in my handler")

def exception_listener(exception, tb):
    print ("EXCEPTION RECEIVED", exception)
    if tb is not None:

client = AMPS.Client("client")




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