Welcome to AMPS 5.3.4

Welcome to the AMPS Server Documentation! This set of documentation contains detailed information on the AMPS server itself for version 5.3.4.

If you are looking for developer docs for client libraries, or previous versions of the AMPS server documentation, see the documentation page on the 60East web site.

Here are some suggested starting points:

ScenarioStart With

New to AMPS

Beginning an Evaluation of AMPS

Understanding an AMPS Feature

AMPS User Guide (see the chapter on the feature in question)

Planning a Deployment of AMPS

Developing Applications with AMPS

Introduction to AMPS (developer guide and API reference for your language of choice -- available from the AMPS developer pages) (further reading in the User Guide and Command Reference for features you will use)

Verifying Configuration Options

Troubleshooting an Issue

Contacting 60East Support

You can also visit the AMPS Server FAQ site for frequently asked questions, and the AMPS developer pages for resources on developing applications with AMPS.

Last updated

Copyright 2013-2024 60East Technologies, Inc.