Setting Per-Message Lifetime

By default, a topic in the SOW stores all distinct records until a record is explicitly deleted. For scenarios where message persistence needs to be limited in duration, AMPS provides the ability to set a time limit on the lifespan of SOW topic messages. This limit on duration is known as message expiration and can be thought of as a "Time to Live" feature for messages stored in a SOW topic.

Using Expiration

Expiration on SOW topics is disabled by default. For AMPS to expire messages in a SOW topic, you must explicitly enable expiration on the SOW topic.

There are two ways message expiration time can be set. First, a topic recorded in the SOW can specify a default lifespan for all messages stored for that topic. Second, each message can provide an expiration as part of the message header.

AMPS stores the expiration time for each message individually, as a property of the message in the SOW. The expiration for a given message is first determined based on the message expiration specified in the message header. If a message has no expiration specified in the header, then the message will inherit the expiration setting for the topic expiration. If there is no message expiration and no topic expiration, then it is implicit that a SOW topic message will not expire. When an expiration of 0 is provided in the message header, this indicates that AMPS should not provide expiration for this message.

Enabling Expiration for a Topic

AMPS configuration supports the ability to specify a default message expiration for all messages in a single SOW topic. Below is an example of a configuration section for a SOW topic definition with an expiration. The SOW/Topic section of the AMPS Configuration Guide has more detail on how to configure the SOW topic.




In this case, messages with no lifetime specified on the message have a 30 second lifetime in the SOW. When a message arrives and that message has an expiration set, the message expiration on the publish overrides the default expiration for the topic. Each publish or delta publish that arrives, including an update to an existing message, updates the expiration time.

AMPS also allows you to enable expiration on a SOW topic, but to only expire messages that have message-level expiration set:




With this configuration file, expiration is enabled for the topic. The message lifetime is specified on each individual message. When expiration is disabled for a SOW topic, AMPS preserves any message expiration set on an individual message but does not expire messages.

AMPS processes expirations during startup when SOW expiration is enabled. This means that any record in the SOW which needs to be expired will be expired as AMPS starts. Notice that if expiration has been disabled in the configuration file, AMPS will not process expiration for the topic.

Setting Expiration for a Message

When expiration is enabled for a topic in the SOW, each message published to that topic expires at the configured time by default.

Individual messages have the ability to specify the expiration for that individual message. When an expiration time is provided on a message, that value overrides the default expiration set for the topic. For example, the SOW configuration for a topic might specify an expiration of 5 minutes for a pending order. For large orders, however, a publisher might explicitly prevent messages from expiring by providing a 0 for the expiration time when publishing the message.

AMPS does not process expiration for any messages in a topic recorded in the SOW unless expiration is enabled for the topic. When expiration is not configured for a topic, messages published to that topic do not expire, regardless of the expiration setting on an individual message.

When a message arrives, AMPS calculates the expiration time for the message and stores a timestamp at which the message expires in the SOW with the message. When the message contains an expiration time, AMPS uses that time to create the timestamp. When the message does not include an expiration time, but the topic contains an expiration time, AMPS uses the topic expiration for the message. Otherwise, there is no expiration set on the message, and AMPS records a timestamp value that indicates no expiration.

Messages in the SOW topic can receive updates before expiration. When a message is updated, the message’s expiration lifespan is reset. For example, a message is first published to a SOW topic with an expiration of 45 seconds. The message is updated 15 seconds after publication of the initial message, and the update resets the expiration to a new 45 second lifespan. This process can continue for the entire lifespan of the message, causing a new 45 second lifespan renewal for the message with every update.

If a message expires, then the message is deleted from the SOW topic. This event will trigger delete processing to be executed for the message, similar to the process of executing a sow_delete command on a message stored in a SOW topic.

Recovery and Expiration

When using message expiration, one common scenario is that the message has an expiration set, but the AMPS instance is shut down during the lifetime of the message.

To handle such a scenario, AMPS calculates and stores a timestamp for the expiration, as described above. Therefore, if the AMPS instance is shutdown, upon recovery the engine will check to see which messages have expired since the occurrence of the shutdown. Any expired messages will be removed from the topic as soon as possible.

Notice that, because the timestamp is stored with each message, changing the default expiration of a SOW topic does not affect the lifetime of messages already in the SOW. Those timestamps have already been calculated, and AMPS does not recalculate them when the instance is restarted or when the defaults on the SOW topic change. If expiration is not enabled for the topic after the configuration change, AMPS does not process expirations for that topic and messages will not expire.

Replication and Expiration

Because the expiration time is stored as an attribute of each individual message, that expiration time is replicated with the message. A downstream instance that receives the message via replication does not reset or change the expiration time that is stamped on the message.

Expiration processing happens on each individual instance. The fact that a message has expired is not replicated (this is not necessary, since the message expiration is stored as a part of the message, so each individual instance can manage expiration locally).

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