Query SOW Topic

AMPS provides a module for querying a SOW topic. The amps-action-do-query-sow queries the SOW topic, and stores the first message returned by the SOW query into a user-defined variable.

This module requires the Topic, MessageType and Filter parameters to identify the query to run. This module requires the CaptureData parameter in order to be able to store the result of the query.

Once you query a message from the SOW topic, you can use the captured data in other actions. The example below uses amps-action-do-query-sow to query the SOW on a schedule in order to echo messages to the log for diagnostic purposes:

                <Every>Saturday at 23:59</Every>
                <Filter>/Trans/Order/@Oname = 'PURCHASE'</Filter>
                <Message>{{SAVED_VARIABLE}} was in the message</Message>

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