Product Overview

AMPS, the Advanced Message Processing System, is built around an incredibly fast messaging engine that supports both publish-subscribe messaging and queuing. AMPS combines the capabilities necessary for scalable high-throughput, low-latency messaging in realtime deployments such as in financial services. AMPS goes beyond basic messaging to include advanced features such as high availability, historical replay, aggregation and analytics, content filtering and continuous query, last value caching, focus tracking, and more.

Furthermore, AMPS is designed and engineered specifically for next generation computing environments. The architecture, design and implementation of AMPS allows the exploitation of parallelism inherent in emerging multi-socket, multi-core commodity systems and the low-latency, high-bandwidth of 10Gb Ethernet and faster networks. AMPS is designed to detect and take advantage of the capabilities of the hardware of the system on which it runs.

AMPS does more than just route and deliver messages. AMPS was designed to lower the latency in real-world messaging deployments by focusing on the entire lifetime of a message from the message's origin to the time at which a subscriber takes action on the message. AMPS considers the full message lifetime, rather than just the "in flight" time, and allows you to optimize your applications to conserve network bandwidth and subscriber CPU utilization -- typically the first elements of a system to reach the saturation point in real messaging systems.

AMPS offers both topic and content based subscription semantics, which makes it different than most other messaging platforms. Some of the highlights of AMPS include:

  • Topic and content based publish and subscribe

  • Message queuing, including content-based filtering and configurable strategies for delivery fairness

  • Client development kits for popular programming languages such as Java, C#, C++, C, Python, and JavaScript

  • Built-in support for FIX, NVFIX, JSON, BSON, MessagePack, BFlat, Google Protocol Buffer and XML messages. AMPS also supports uninterpreted binary messages, and allows you to create composite message types from existing message types.

  • State of the World queries

  • Historical State of the World queries

  • Easy to use command interface

  • Full Perl compatible regular expression matching

  • Content filters with SQL92 WHERE clause semantics

  • Built-in latency statistics and client status monitoring

  • Advanced subscription management, including delta publish and subscriptions and out-of-focus notifications

  • Basic CEP capabilities for real-time computation and analysis

  • Aggregation within topics and joins between topics, including joins between different message types

  • Replication for high availability

  • Fully queryable transaction log

  • Message replay functionality

  • Fully-integrated authentication and entitlement system, including content-based entitlement for fine-grained control

  • Optional encryption (SSL) between client and server

  • Extensibility API for adding message types, user-defined functions, user-specified actions, authentication, and entitlement functionality

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