Message Types

Message communication between the publisher and subscriber in AMPS is managed through the use of message types. Message types define the data contained within an AMPS message. Each topic has a specific message type. Transports used for publishers and subscribers can also define specific message types. For a given transport, AMPS will only process messages of the type or types that the transport accepts.

When AMPS needs to use the data within a message, AMPS uses the message type to parse the message into an internal representation. AMPS uses the same internal representation for all message types. Likewise, if AMPS needs to create a new message from a set of values (for example, for a view), AMPS uses the message type to serialize that set of values into the correct format. AMPS filters, commands, processing flow, and so forth are the same for every message type. Message types do not change how AMPS processes messages. A message type simply allows AMPS to work with data of a particular format.

In some cases, a given message type cannot support all of the capabilities in AMPS. For example, the unparsed binary message type allows arbitrary payloads. This can be extremely useful, but because there is no set format for that message type, none of the capabilities that rely on parsing data are supported by the binary message type. Where a message type cannot provide a specific capability to AMPS, those limitations are described below.

Except where limitations are described in this section, all message types provided with the AMPS server support all AMPS features. The AMPS engine itself is message-type agnostic. There is no difference in configuring a SOW that uses a composite type than there is configuring a SOW that uses JSON, or BFlat, or Google Protocol buffers.

Message types in AMPS are implemented as plug-in modules. For more information on plug-in modules, contact 60East support for access to the AMPS Server SDK.

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