Administrative Actions

The administrator interface provides administrative actions for this AMPS instance.

These actions are designed to be usable from a minimal web browser interface. Retrieving the URI for an action requests that AMPS take that action. In other words, clicking on the link for the action in a browser or performing a GET from a script will cause AMPS to take the appropriate action.

  • Authorization: Selecting the authorization resource will allow the authentication or entitlement resources to be reset. Selecting either one of these will present a reset link, which calls the reset function as defined by the respective authentication or entitlement resource.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/authorization/<resource-type>/<action>

  • Clients: Selecting the clients resource will list all connected clients by identifier. Selecting a single client will permit that client to be disconnected.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/clients/<id>/<action>

  • Diagnostics: Selecting the diagnostics resource will provide the option to write a diagnostics dump message to the log. This message is logged at info level, and is event number 31-0010. In this release of AMPS, the diagnostic message provides information on the current state of the queues configured for the instance.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/diagnostics/<action>

  • Minidump: Selecting the minidump resource will create a minidump of the currently running AMPS instance.

    The minidump will be saved in directory specified by the MiniDumpDirectory, or /tmp if no directory is specified. See the AMPS Configuration Guide for more information.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/minidump

  • Queues: Selecting the queues resource allows you to select whether this instance will respect the original ownership of messages in the queue, or allow the instance to claim ownership of messages if the original owner is unreachable.

    The options available from this interface are enable_proxied_transfer (meaning to allow this instance to claim ownership) or disable_proxied_transfer (meaning that only the instance that owned the original message can transfer ownership). By default, proxied transfer is disabled.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/queues/<id>/<action>

  • Replication: Selecting the replication resource will list all currently configured replications. Selecting any individual replication destination will permit the destination to be downgraded or upgraded.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/replication/<id>/<action>

  • SOW: Selecting the sow resource will list all currently configured sow. topics. Selecting a topic will permit you to compact that topic. Compacting a SOW causes AMPS to release unused space in the SOW: this is normally done during startup.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/sow/<id>/<action>

  • Transaction Log: Selecting the transaction_log resource will allow the journals resources to be compressed, archived, or removed. Only journal files that are full will be displayed.

    Selecting a journal will permit you to compress, archive, or remove that journal and all older journals. Compressing a journal will compress the selected journal and all older journals. Archiving a journal will move the selected journal and all older journals to the specified archive location. Removing a journal will delete the selected journal and all older journals.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/transaction_log/journals/<id>/<action>

  • Transports: Selecting the transports resource will list all currently configured transports. Selecting any individual transport will permit the transport to be enabled or disabled.

    Admin Path: /amps/administrator/transports/<id>/<action>

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